(Авторефераты, диссертации, методички, учебные программы, монографии)


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«О.П. Крюкова ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ ГРАММАТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Кейс студента-лингвиста Учебно-методическое пособие для преподавателей и студентов 1-2 курсов Специальность – 022600 Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация Москва ...»

-- [ Страница 3 ] --

26. The parliament of Mauritius, by an overwhelming majority vote, demanded that Diego Garcia be returned to its sovereign control. The Organization of African Unity at its summit condemned the U.S. base and demanded that Diego Garcia be unconditionally returned to Mauritius by Britain, the illegal colonial occupying power.

27. There should be considerable support for the demand that the Minister of Justice act to invalidate the outrageous court decision ordering two dedicated social workers to forfeit 300 bail sureties following the failure of a youth to appear in court on charge.

28. One of the first suggestions he made shortly after he took office, was that a lottery be run to rescue UN finances.

29. Time and again he attempted to make the apparently reasonable request that the General Assembly reach decisions through voting.

30. Three days later the Administration3 had served formal notice that it would insist that the General Assembly on its opening day November 10, squarely face the decision of whether or not to invoke Article 19.

the U.S. Government 31. Washington hopefully counted on the non-participation of the U.S.S.R., lest the plain sailing be rocked by the storm of Soviet criticism.

32. The majority of people, be they politicians, trade unionists or employers, are now all in favour of East-West trade. The problem today is how to break down the remaining barriers.

33. To permit the programs of the new administration to be imposed upon the people is to embo1den the ultra-right Should this program be carried out we shall then face a serious change in the situation that could open the road to a fascist America.

34. If Bonn should decide to buy less gas, it would certainly soften U.S. opposition. But if the West Germans conclude they need all the gas they are slated to get, there could be trouble.

35. Some opposition members demanded that India with draw from the Commonwealth should Britain refuse to amend the Bill4 which will create three types of citizenship to differentiate UK citizens from those with colonial or former imperial ties.

36. He said that he had been told by his CIA contact that the US was in a position to arrange a coup in Mozambique through South Africa and that should he be in danger of discovery, he was to take a flight to South Africa where he would be "very warmly received".

37. Should the Tories succeed in finding a candidate we may yet see the spectacle of the three brands of Tories fighting each other for the votes.

38. Today's taJks, therefore, will certainly lay down guide-lines for a Tory Manifesto should an early election materialize.

39. Even should it be decided to extend the session, only ten days can be gained; so - the argument runs - it is better to wait for the new session, especially as the Lords may impose its veto and delay the Bill 12 months.

40. Should any appeal be needed, the Prime Minister will have opportunities for personal chats with backsliders at a party for MPs of previous Parliaments which he will give at Downing Street tonight.

41. Objections to this plan, supposing there should be any, should be reported to the committee at once.

42. Accounting for about 40 per cent of OPEC production, Saudi Arabia currently enjoys enormous leverage over the market and its oil producing colleagues. If it were to cut back sharply, however, sagging oil prices would almost certainly jump up once again.

43. If Mr P. were to take the trouble to look at what Marxism actually says, he would find out that Marxists hold that capitalism will only give way to Socialism as a result of the struggles of the working people of each country.

Marxism specifically excludes the possibility of exporting revolution.

44. The major U.S. auto companies lost an astonishing $4.2 billion in 1980. Of the three, only General Motors is likely to show a profit in l98I. If the two weaker companies were to collapse, hundreds of thousands of jobs mould be lost in the auto industry, alone, and perhaps a million jobs taking into account the industries that produce materials for cars such as steel and glass.

45. One of their fears is that the auto industry, if given relief, would increase prices rather than production. Another argument that they have used is that even if production were to increase, General Motors would pick up roughly 60 percent of the lost Japanese sales and that would not provide enough help for Chrysler and Ford.

46. Any proposal to go ahead with this disgusting weapon should be vigorously combatted. It may be immensely profitable to the chemical industry, but if ever it were used, it would bring an agonising death to thousands.

47. Arguing that ignoring Third World grievances would be politically shortsighted, the French and West German foreign ministers urged the U.S. administration to attend the summit session.

the Britain's Nationality Bill 48. Mr M. believes that granting citizenship to more foreigners should consolidate loyalty to the state, simplify manpower problems, lessen dependence on more immigration and motivate Kuwaitis to work harder.

49. These are the facts which even a distorted, twisted view of world history would have a job to ignore. Only politicians like Mr P. can do that. But then, their trade is brainwashing, not factual analysis.

50. The arms bill would rise and British parliamentary democracy would be ieeaA'ened he told a meeting of trade unionists at Bridgewater, Somerset.

Accusing the two leaders of intending to step up the nuclear arms race, he said that the Labour Party's policy against nuclear weapons "may be humanity's last chance".

51. If it were just another scandal bringing down Italy’s 40th postwar government, editors and readers alike would have to fight to stifle yawns and keep their eyes from glazing over. But this time, a tantalizing series of scandals wrapped inside a medieval secret society has provoked the crisis.

52. When the committee was considering the new system it asked the Mini -try of Labour what the effect would be if prices ~~ere rounded up to the nearest half-cent. If prices from Id to I l d were rounded up to the nearest half-cent, this would result in an average price rise of 13 per cent in this range.

53. They had a special reason for preferring short-time - the low normal wastage at its works - but, again, fear of a strike if redundancies were declared also influenced the company.

54. It would be foolish to think that all this will be easy.

55. It would give the General Council the right to sit in judgment on wage claims before they are submitted, and demand that the unions should delay their claims until this has been done.

56. In preparation for their meeting tomorrow it would be a very good idea if Trades Union Congress leaders would make a point of meeting the rank-and-file workers who are lobbying Parliament today.

57. Even if Nato Governments were not yet prepared to abolish both the Nato and Warsaw Pacts it would still be possible to reach an understanding on liquidating the military organizations of these groupings.

58. Even if this proposal were acted upon, and it is now evident that the President has disavowed it, the fundamental guns-instead-of-butter nature of the economy would in no way be altered.

59. This veto provision reflects the conviction of those who drafted the Charter that the United Nations would be unable to take an important initiative for the maintenance of peace and security unless there was unanimity among the big powers and that to attempt so would be a futile gesture, endangering the organization.

60. Some black leaders made charges that help would have come more quickly if the dead and missing children had been avhite.

61. Some in West Germany say the country would have been better off had it been born as "a larger Switzerland" and the army been conceived as merely a "larger Swiss militia" in which defence of the homeland, against any and all enemies, and universal service by all citizens is axiomatic from the cradle.

62. The blacks believe that if ~vhite children had been involved the tragedy would have received huge public and press attention.

63. Had he not been forced to manoeuvre the craft to avoid a boulder-filled crater, he would have touched down with almost two minutes of fuel remaining.

64. U.S. Embassy sources stressed that the visas would never have been issued to the five officers, who were represented as diplomats going for routine consultations with their own embassy, if their military function had been known.

65. There would not have been a review if the estimate's conclusions had totally supported the administration's charges.

66. After a year-long lock-out it now looks as if the paper definitely will be back on the streets again.

Of course, had it been the Times workers who kept the paper off the streets, the howls of rage would have drowned everyone else out.

67. No one is under any illusion that had the men not shown their strike solidarity there would be no extra $2 a week in the 64 B.A.C.5* men's wage packets this week.

68. Unemployment of those proportions, were it general, would be a national catastrophe.

69. Had the election campaign been still in progress the wage squeeze might have become an issue.

70. February's trade figures showed a 462 million deficit. There would have been an even worse result had it not been for the f559 million that foreign businessmen invested in Britain.

7l. The British Foreign Secretary will now be entering what are officially termed "the prenegotiations" with an ardent will to succeed. But the Prime Minister would hardly have taken the unprecedented step of deciding to go along too, had he been sure they would fail.

72. But for import restrictions, quotas and American-imposed embargoes, Anglo-Soviet trade would be larger than it is today.

73. The Prime Minister refused to be drawn yesterday into saying what he would do if his attempt to «renegotiate» the agreement were to fail.

74. Opposing the introduction of Cruise and Trident missiles in Britain, Mr K. said it was ludicrous to talk as if the West was defenceless.

The military budget of the US alone was more than a third of total world arms spending.

It was time that those supporting heavy defence spending and nuclear missiles emerged from 1914 and 1939 thinking to the real world of 60,000 nuclear weapons with the risks of accidents, proliferation and first strike.

75. It is high time that Canada abandoned this course and changed course while there is still time to do so.

76. The Communist Party had always opposed the Common Market and would be making renewed efforts to work with all others in the labour movement to ensure that a future labour government took Britain out Birmingham Aluminium Castings


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26. Alexander L.G. Fluency in English. Longman, 27. Alexander L. J. An Integrated Course for Intermediate Students. Dveloping Skills.

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39. Kobrina N.A., Korneyeva E.A. и др. An English Grammar. Morphology. M., 1985.

40. Kobrina N.A., Korneyeva E.A. и др. An English Grammar. Syntax. M., 1986.

41. Krutikov Y.A. и др. Exercises in Modern English Grammar. M., 1971.

42. Krylova I.P., Gordon E.M. A Grammar of Present -day English. M., 43. L. G. Alexander. Advanced Grammar. Longman.

44. L. Jones. Progress to Proficiency. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

45. Leech G., Svartvik J. A. A Communicative Grammar of English. M.: Prosveshchenie, 46. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 1994.

47. Murphy R. и др. Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.

48. Natanson E.A. Practical English Grammar by Correspondence. Moscow, 1973.

49. Quirk R. и др. A University Grammar of English. M., 1986.

50. Thomson A. J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press,

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«МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования ЮЖНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Геолого-географический факультет Т. В. Шарова, И.В. Рыбин Учебное пособие ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ МЕТОДЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЙ ПОЛЕЗНЫХ ИСКОПАЕМЫХ 130101 ПРИКЛАДНАЯ ГЕОЛОГИЯ Ростов-на-Дону – 2013 1 Учебное пособие разработано кандидатом геолого-минералогических наук Шаровой Т.В. и преподавателем Рыбиным И.В....»

«СМОЛЕНСКИЙ ГУМАНИТАРНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ФАКУ ЛЬТЕТМЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО ТУРИЗМА И ИНОСТР АННЫХ ЯЗЫКОВ КАФЕДР АТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ПРОДУКТОВ ОБЩЕСТВЕННОГО ПИТАНИЯ ЛАБУСТКО ЮРИЙ НИКОЛАЕВИЧ Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине: системы управления технологическими процессами и информационные технологии для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 260501 Технология продуктов общественного питания (заочная форма обучения) Смоленск – 2008 ТРЕБОВАНИЯ ГОСУ ДАРСТВЕННОГО ОБР АЗОВАТЕЛЬНОГО СТАНДАРТА Системы управления...»

«Министерство образования и наук и Российской Федерации ФГАОУ ВПО УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н.Ельцина МАТЕРИАЛЫ X МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ НАУЧНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ НОВЫЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В ВУЗЕ (НОТВ-2013) (06-08 февраля 2013 г.) Сборник тезисов докладов НОТВ-2013 2013 Абрамов А.Г., Булакина М.Б., Сигалов А.В., Князева С.Ю. Abramov A.G., Bulakina M.B., Sigalov A.V., Knyazeva S.Yu. ПОРТАЛ ЕДИНОЕ ОКНО КАК ПЛАТФОРМА ДЛЯ РЕПОЗИТОРИЯ УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ, РАЗМЕЩАЕМЫХ СО...»

«ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Казанский государственный технологический университет Рынок ценных бумаг Учебно-методическое пособие КАЗАНЬ-2006 2 Составитель доцент И.Ш. Хасанов. Рынок ценных бумаг: Учебно-метод.пособие/ Казан. гос. технол. ун-т; Сост. И.Ш. Хасанов, 2006.- 50с. Содержит общие методические рекомендации по изучению дисциплины Рынок ценных бумаг, содержание лекционных и семинарских занятий,...»

«1 ТОГБОУ Индустриально-промышленный техникум МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ Современные информационные технологии как средство повышения качества образования Тамбов 2012 2 Содержание Введение 3 Обучающие программы 1 6 Электронные учебники 2 11 Глобальная компьютерная сеть Интернет и ее использование в 14 3 образовательных целях Дистанционное образование 4 17 Заключение 5 Библиографический список 6 Введение Образование - это индустрия, направленная в будущее С.П.Капица В настоящее время в условиях...»

«МОСКОВСКИЙ АВИАЦИОННЫЙ ИНСТИТУТ (ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ) МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ УЧЕБНОГО ПРОЦЕССА МАГИСТРОВ ПО ОЧНО-ЗАОЧНОЙ (ВЕЧЕРНЕЙ) И ЗАОЧНОЙ ФОРМАМ ОБУЧЕНИЯ Москва 2009 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Разработка учебного плана магистратуры..2 Подготовка магистров по очно-заочной форме обучения..2 Подготовка магистров по заочной форме обучения..3 Учебный план подготовки магистров по очно-заочной форме обучения.4 Примерные программы практик.. Приложение: примерные программы...»

«Министерство образования и науки Украины Севастопольский национальный технический университет Методические указания к проведению тестирования на практических занятиях по дисциплине Судовая энергетика студентов очной и заочной форм обучения специальности 7.100302 Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок Севастополь 2008 Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) УДК 629.12. Методические указания к проведению практических занятий по...»

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