(Авторефераты, диссертации, методички, учебные программы, монографии)


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«ИНКЛЮЗИВНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ: ПРОБЛЕМЫ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ И СИСТЕМЫ Материалы международной конференции 19–20 июня 2008 года Санкт-Петербург Издательство РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена 2008 ББК 74.58я431 ...»

-- [ Страница 9 ] --

Moderator — Sergey Goncharov, Vice-Rector for Educational Activity of The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, the UNESCO Chair on Sciences of Education Coordinator (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) Official Closing of the Conference Gennady Bordovsky, Rector of The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Head of the UNESCO Chair on Sciences of Education Tatiana Potiaeva, Moscow Municipal Duma, Deputy Chairperson of Committee on Science and Education, National Coordinator of the Network of Associated Schools of UNESCO in Russia Alisher Umarov, Programme Specialist for Education of the UNESCO Moscow Office for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation 13.30–15.00. Lunch 15.30–17.30. Cultural programme. Neva trip 4. Working meeting of Mr. Qian Tang, Deputy Assistant-Director General for Education UNESCO, Director of Executive Office with members of the UNESCO Chair at The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (HSPU) and its partners on Network Cooperation Working meeting of Mr.Qian Tang, Deputy Assistant-Director General for Education UNESCO, Director of Executive Office with members of the UNESCO Chair at The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (HSPU) and its partners on Network Cooperation took place on June 19, 2008 at the Institute of International Connections, HSPU, in the framework of International Conference on Inclusive Education.

Sergey Goncharov, Vice Rector for Educational Activity, Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair opened the Conference.

In his presentation he particularized activities of the UNESCO Chair opened in 1993 on the basis of Agreement between UNESCO and HSPU.

Mr. Goncharov specified that at present the UNESCO Chair has an extensive Network of Branches and numerous partners on projects. The University and the UNESCO Chair are a part of world University network developing innovative programmes (GUNI) which are fundamental centre for UNESCO Programme “International Pedagogical Network "Pedagogical Education:

Multicultural Dialogue" as a part of UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs since 2006.

In 2003 the UNESCO Chair initiated establishment of the Association of the Eurasian Network of UNESCO Chairs from cluster-countries of CIS.

Since May 2007 the UNECSO Chair of HSPU is represented in Coordination Committee of Russia’s UNESCO Chairs under the auspice of Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Then followed introduction of the conference participants who were asked numerous questions including those of the results of the research “Education for All: Russian Vision” for UNESCO Moscow Office.

Then Mr.Qian Tang performed the answer speech.

In his speech he described the main activities of UNESCO on forming common educational environment, and on particular means of realization of the international Programme "Education for All" in the developing countries of Africa and Asia and stressed the importance of promoting the programme on the basis of broader understanding of social inclusion and inclusive education in the developed countries.

Mr.Qian Tang approved the work of HSPU UNESCO Chair on creating branches, international network of Pedagogical UNESCO Chairs, organizing international conferences and seminars.

Mr. Qian Tang rated high contribution of UNESCO Moscow Office and HSPU as hosts of the Conference "Inclusive Education: Improving Education Policies and Systems".

Mr. Qian Tang expressed his gratitude on behalf of UNESCO officials to members of the Conference and participants of different international projects and programmes which took place under the auspice of UNESCO.

In conclusion Mr. Qian Tang expressed his good wishes to the participants, thanked them for their generous work and added that a representative of HSPU must take part in UNESCO International Conference "Inclusive Education: The Way of the Future" which will take place in Geneva, November 2008.


«Inclusive Education: Improving Education Policies and Systems»

The International Conference, «Inclusive Education: Improving Education Policies and Systems», was held June 19–20, 2008 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Conference was organized with the support of UNESCO Moscow Office, the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. It was held at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia within the framework of the implementation of the Innovative Educational Programme, “Creation of an innovative system for the training of specialists in the sphere of humanitarian technologies in the social field”.

Among the participants of the Conference to play an active role in discussions were: the Director of UNESCO Executive Office, Mr. Qian Tang; Deputy Ministers of Education and Science and the Heads of National Commissions for UNESCO from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation; CIS Parliamentary Assembly representatives;

administrative representatives from Moscow, Saint Petersburg and other regions of Russia; the Heads and representatives from pedagogical schools of higher education in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Finland, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Tajikistan; the Heads of the Russian Academy of Education and representatives from the Academy; the programme specialist for Education from UNESCO Moscow Office; experts from research institutions; and representatives of the public and of institutions working in the interests of the physically challenged.

During the discussion of a wide range of questions, based on the experiences of various countries, regarding the improvement of educational policies and the system of inclusive education, Conference participants developed a common position and an understanding of the principle strategies for its promotion.

The participants of the Conference, with their valuable practical experience, noted some tentative positive tendencies in solving the problems of inclusive education in these countries.

Participants also highlighted the need to develop a complex approach to solving the problems of inclusive education, taking into account specific features of the national education systems and socio-cultural practices, the possibility of a broader understanding of inclusive education and the importance of creating the legal space in which the questions of education for all can be successfully resolved.

Conference participants underscored the particular significance of training the next generation of educators to ensure that the personality of each student grows in harmony and that society grows in spirit. They also noted the importance of sanctioning new communicative models and promoting humanitarian technologies.

A plenary session entitled “The Inclusive Education: Current Issues of Staff Training” was held within the framework of the Conference. The floor was taken by representatives of the Ministries of Education, and five roundtables were organized on the following topics:

• the theory and practice of convergence of inclusive education in the socio-cultural sphere: staff training;

• political-legal and organizational-pedagogical problems of the institutionalization of inclusive education and staff training;

• special features of the training of educators in the model of inclusive education for different social strata;

• the principles for the development of national and regional models of inclusive education: the procurement of staff;

• issues of social partnership within inclusive education and the procurement of staff.

At these roundtables participants studied examples of the implementation of inclusive education programmes, discussed questions regarding the theory and practice of training educators of a new type; the quality and continuity of in-school and out-of-school programmes in inclusive education; and the use of innovative approaches and information technologies for inclusive education. Participants paid special attention to the necessity of increasing public awareness about the problems of inclusive education, etc.

Participants of the Conference, “Inclusive Education: Improving Education Policies and Systems”, have formulated the following recommendations on education policy and strategy in respect to the uncovered and socially vulnerable strata of the population, as well as for the provision of staff and practical training for inclusive education:

• to the 48-th session of UNESCO’s International Conference on Education “Inclusive Education: the Way to the Future” (Geneva, November 25-28, 2008) Within the work of the session, “Inclusive education: learners and teachers”, pay special attention to the following issues:

– the formation of a new type of inclusive pedagogy which develops scientific pedagogical knowledge for all participants in the pedagogical process (trainers, teachers, social workers, etc.);

– the training of international experts for inclusive education programmes, and the establishment of an institute of professional and public expertise for inclusive education in the broad social conception;

– the reinforcement of measures of informational, scientific and socio-pedagogical support of inclusive education.

• to the United Nations Organization on Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) – to provide regular information in the Russian language about international experience in inclusive education for different categories of children and students.

• to Governments and Ministries of Education of these countries — from the participants of the Conference – inclusive education shall become the priority of education policy and of staff training;

– the actual level of staff for inclusive education shall meet contemporary requirements of education policy;

– to establish mechanisms — organizational and economic — to promote inclusive education; to utilize accumulated international experience in the legal regulation of inclusive education, including model laws of the inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS “On education of physically challenged people (special education)”, “On education of adults”, and “Model educational code for the CIS states”;

– to create national committees on the development of inclusive education;

– to support the development at the Ministries of Education of institutions, responsible for the promotion of inclusive education;

– to hold an international conference in the Russian Federation on the results of the Forum in Geneva in 2009 for further development and promotion of programmes to train educators and staff in the sphere of inclusive education;

– to carry out sociological research on the question of people’s awareness of inclusive education;

– to create an “inclusive education” portal in Russian and English, with the section “Staff”;

– to carry out complex monitoring of the readiness of national education systems for inclusive education;

– to provide special grants for higher education, advanced training and re-training of educators for inclusive education, and for the promotion into programmes of higher education of modules and optional or elective courses on inclusive education;

– to begin training staff in non-traditional forms of education (e.g., Internet-schools, etc.);

– to discuss the question of financing a competition of projects for the procurement of staff for inclusive education in the regions of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the national project, “Education”;

– to provide special financing for the publishing, translation and distribution of manuals and study materials for the training of inclusive education staff;

– to start training staff in psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive professional education;

– to pay attention to the development of effective mechanisms for the realization of regional programmes of social rehabilitation of people wanting inclusive education methods;

– to discuss possibilities for dispensation of taxation for those who take part in charity activities that support those interested in inclusive education methods.

– to discuss the question of the formulation of a law “On Inclusive Education”, taking into account a broad understanding of inclusion;

– to render assistance for the inclusion of provisions from international legal acts on inclusive education into national legal systems;

– to pay special attention, on national and international levels, to the realization of model inclusive education programs for minor nationalities and non-independent territories;

– to promote amendments to the Law of Education of the Russian Federation and include in article 18 (“Pre-school education”) an article on state guarantees, in the form of all-inclusive support for such children from an early age onward, to help families raising children with special educational needs, and to help in the realization of the programme of early intervention and the creation of co-education groups and for the upbringing of children from 3-7 years old;

– to strengthen the measures of support for initiatives of civil institutions (parent associations, public organizations, national communities, etc.) on inclusive education.

• to public organizations – to use in a wider range civil institutions, parent associations, public organizations, national communities and charity funds, which support educational and social inclusion;

– to improve public expertise in the sphere of inclusive educational programmes of various types and the realization of these programmes in the work of educators;

– to support the development of a glossary on pedagogical aspects of inclusive education, with the help of a cross-section of society and the media;

– to render assistance in holding competitions of projects how to train a new type of educator for inclusive education.

• to the pedagogical community – to intensify the efficacy of elementary school education for all by improving its content and simplifying technological access for the child;

– to use more broadly the opportunities of vocational education, taking into account individual characteristics of each student; to develop more modules for vocational training that provide education for all;

– to recommend the use of different methods of pedagogical support and support of the trainer, the methods should imply voluntary inclusion of students in the process of studying; to improve the model of training teachers of a new type for the context of inclusive education;

– to assist in sharing the experience of Herzen University in promoting the ethnoeducational inclusion programme for the preparation of teaching staff from among minority groups of the Russian Federation;

– to assist in the development of advanced and re-training programmes for teachers and trainers and school administrators, to include informational, consulting, project and psychological support;

– to recommend that methodological centres of pedagogical branches include into curricula those courses that are orientated toward the study of the basics of inclusive pedagogy.

The participants of the Conference deeply appreciate the efforts of the organizers of the event, and express gratitude for the opportunity of a dialogue on the problems of the development of educational policies and the system of inclusive education. The Conference in Saint Petersburg is considered a great step of the international community toward solving problems of inclusive education, which is poised to provide a wide path to the future of our civilization.




Материалы международной конференции



Materials of International Conference Бильд-редактор Л. А. Овчинникова Подписано в печать 10.09.2008. Формат 60 841/16.

Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная. Объем 22,0 уч.-изд. л.

27,0 усл. печ. л. + 0,5 п. л. вклейка. Тираж экз. Заказ № Издательство РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена.

191186, С.-Петербург, наб. р. Мойки, Типография РГПУ. 191186, С.-Петербург, наб. р. Мойки,

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«Министерство образования и науки РФ федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Самарский государственный университет Психологический факультет УТВЕРЖДАЮ Проректор по научной работе А.Ф.Крутов _ 2011 г. РАБОЧАЯ ПРОГРАММА ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ Организация и проведение экспериментального исследования в психологии (ОД.А.07.1; цикл ОД.А.00 Дисциплины по выбору аспиранта основной образовательной программы подготовки аспиранта по отрасли 19.00.00. -...»

«СЕКЦИЯ 2. ИНФОРМАТИЗАЦИЯ ЭКОНОМИКИ: АСУ И АСУТП ПРЕДПРИЯТИЙ И КОРПОРАТИВНОГО БИЗНЕСА МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ ПРОЦЕССОВ АЭРОДИНАМИКИ, ТЕПЛООБМЕНА И ГОРЕНИЯ В ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ УСТРОЙСТВАХ А.А. Гаврилов, К.Ю. Литвинцев, Е.С. Тэпфер Красноярский государственный технический университет, Красноярск А.А. Дектерев, Е.Б. Харламов Институт теплофизики СО РАН, Новосибирск П.А. Необъявляющий Институт вычислительного моделирования СО РАН, Красноярск Формирующиеся рыночные отношения все больше заставляют промышленные...»

«Юридический факультет Кафедра Государственно-правовые дисциплины УТВЕРЖДАЮ Первый проректор С. В. Шалобанов подпись _ 2012 г. ПРОГРАММА ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЮРИДИЧЕСКОЙ НАУКИ по направлению подготовки 030900.68 Юриспруденция (квалификация (степень) магистр) Хабаровск 2012 г. Программа разработана в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования (ФГОС ВПО), предъявляемыми к минимуму содержания дисциплины с...»

2014 www.av.disus.ru - «Бесплатная электронная библиотека - Авторефераты, Диссертации, Монографии, Программы»

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